Dangrdafne review:
What? That's where it ended? Where is #2??? I NEED #2 NOW! Please
I loved this film. I loved Alita.
And it was a movie where NEVER was it mentioned that a woman couldn't do what a man could do. I mean it was just their life that men and women were equal. WHAT?? I almost can't believe it. This just added to my love of this movie.
I loved Ido. He was a fantastic father. And Chiren turned out to be a wonderful mother.
I loved that it was a love story but certainly not completely traditional. It was questioned a little about a human and a cyborg but really it felt quite natural and normal. So refreshing.
I did have some giggles during the motor ball races as the machines were quite comical - it reminded both of robot wars and that doll with the erector set spider legs in Toy Story - but it was easy to let it go and realize this was just life in Iron City.
I want to see Zalem!! I REALLY hope we get an Alita #2.
3 paws
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