Bookended by Cats was named after Milo and Otis. They are the short, orange, and furry brothers who, upon entering our lives in 2003, often bookended us on our couch. And who are we? We're a geek couple living in PA. We love music, movies, TV, comics, books, and comic cons. And, from time to time, we'll share our thoughts on these nerdy things.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Alita: Battle Angel

 Dangrdafne review:

What? That's where it ended? Where is #2??? I NEED #2 NOW! Please

I loved this film. I loved Alita. 

And it was a movie where NEVER was it mentioned that a woman couldn't do what a man could do. I mean it was just their life that men and women were equal. WHAT?? I almost can't believe it. This just added to my love of this movie.

I loved Ido. He was a fantastic father. And Chiren turned out to be a wonderful mother. 

I loved that it was a love story but certainly not completely traditional. It was questioned a little about a human and a cyborg but really it felt quite natural and normal. So refreshing.

I did have some giggles during the motor ball races as the machines were quite comical - it reminded both of robot wars and that doll with the erector set spider legs in Toy Story - but it was easy to let it go and realize this was just life in Iron City. 

I want to see Zalem!! I REALLY hope we get an Alita #2.

3 paws

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