Bookended by Cats was named after Milo and Otis. They are the short, orange, and furry brothers who, upon entering our lives in 2003, often bookended us on our couch. And who are we? We're a geek couple living in PA. We love music, movies, TV, comics, books, and comic cons. And, from time to time, we'll share our thoughts on these nerdy things.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The Ingredients of Love by Nicolas Barreau

 Book review by Dangrdafne

What a lovely lovely book. Such a joy to read and I don't know why but I am so surprised it was written by a male author. 

I love that Nicolas Barreau is in touch with love and how much it means to people. His writing is impeccable and pulls you right in to Paris and the lives of his characters. I could smell all the food and I got as intoxicated as the characters as they drank their wine. Such a luscious unconventional conventional love story.

There is so much to talk about but I wouldn't want to give anything away. I do love though that the author at times prepares the reader for what is to come and you still wonder what it will be. I don't usually think about books becoming movies but since I could see so much of this book from the writing, I would love to see this come to life on a screen. 

4 paws

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