Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Spider Man: No Way Home

 Dangrdafne review

Overall I liked this movie. I don't think I will go as far as some are saying that it is the greatest movie of all time. Although I understand why people think that. It is quite clever and a really good story. I loved all the special guests and I really really wish I could have not been spoiled and was able to enjoy the guests as they showed up. So that perhaps detracted a little bit from me being all in on this movie. 

I also cried waaaaay too much during this movie and quite unexpectedly too. I wasn't spoiled on one very sad thing and I am grateful, in a way, because I was allowed a true response but it was quite sad and I cried quite a lot and hard. Sigh

I love Ned! I really love Ned! He is such a wonderful character and Jacob Batalon who portrays him is just perfection to me. His love of Peter Parker brings me pure joy. He is the friend everyone needs in this world. 

Zendaya is also perfect for MJ and I like that she made it to the in crowd in the last movie and is a strong support for Peter. The three of them, Peter, Ned and MJ just make my heart happy and of course this movie just broke my heart, no spoilers here.

If you want the full experience of this movie, I highly recommend watching all the previous Spider Man movies made. I am sure I missed many things because I couldn't remember what happened in the previous movies. In fact, I asked Brainwise many questions and clarifications throughout the movie. If I had known I needed all that background, I would have watched the previous films. And I still might :)

I like Tom Holland as Spider Man and Peter Parker. I think he portrays both very well and his comedic timing just works for me. And I was very impressed with all the emotions he had to go through in this movie. He filled my heart with joy and broke it all at the same time. Not an easy thing to do.

3 paws, if I hadn't been spoiled 4 paws :)

Ok, so we watched it again already and I am updating my rating to 4 paws. I get it. It is so clever in how it is put together and how it melds the past and the future. I loved all the guests and how it all comes together. So good. But I still think I might go back and watch all the others again ;)

1 comment:

  1. It's not the best movie ever, but I think it's the best Spiderman movie! And, yes, Tom Holland is wonderful in the part, as are the supporting cast.
