Friday, April 22, 2022

Friday 80s Flashback for April 22, 2022

[Big Science, Big Art] -- Prior to 1982, Laurie Anderson was already well-known in the art world. But when the single "O Superman" brought her wider notice in 1981, particularly after it hit the #2 position in the UK, WB signed her to a multi-release deal and re-released the single. It's a fair bet you know of Laurie Anderson because of either "O Superman" or her 1986 collab with Peter Gabriel, "This Is the Picture (Excellent Birds)." Anyway, her first record with WB – indeed, her debut studio album – was this week's Flashback, Big Science, which turned 40 this week (on 4/19/1982). I first encountered Anderson's brand of art/performance music in college, probably some time after the release of her 1986 concert film, Home of the Brave. So, I found Big Science through her back catalog. Fortunately, someone on our dormitory floor had what, at that time, was a pretty complete collection. Big Science is really a collection of highlights from United States Live, Anderson's eight-hour concert-art piece that was presented over the course of two nights (here is audio from a 05/27/82 performance at the Palladium, NYC). The music/performance aspects of that show were later recorded for a live album in 1983

During my re-listen of Big Science to prepare for today's post, I was struck by these lyrics from the title track:

Well just take a right where they're going to build that new shopping mall
Go straight past where they're going to put in the freeway
Take a left at what's going to be the new sports center
And keep going until you hit the place where
They're thinking of building that drive-in bank
You can't miss it. 

40 years later, these lyrics are still topical, particularly on Earth Day. 

In this week's embedded YouTube playlist, I've included a short video featuring Laurie Anderson at work in her home studio. Enjoy!

Flashback: Big Science (4/19/1982)

That's all till next week. Dedicated 80s-philes can find more flashbacks in the Prophet or Madman archives or via Bookended's 80s Flashback tag. As always, your comments are welcome on today's, or any other, flashback post. And if you like what I'm doing here, please share the link with your friends. If, however, you don't like the flashback, feel free to share it with your enemies.

I'll see you in seven!

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