Bookended by Cats was named after Milo and Otis. They are the short, orange, and furry brothers who, upon entering our lives in 2003, often bookended us on our couch. And who are we? We're a geek couple living in PA. We love music, movies, TV, comics, books, and comic cons. And, from time to time, we'll share our thoughts on these nerdy things.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wizard World Philadelphia by Dangrdafne

June 3rd to 5th Brainwise and I travelled to Philadelphia for Wizard World Comic Con.

Here are some of the items I picked up while at the convention.

The official shirt for Wizard World 2016.
Thought it was cool that it looked like a concert shirt.

My favorite!
And I got a deal on him too :) 

It's ME!
I was kind of desperate to find the GameStop Exclusive and as luck would have it one of the stands had it...and he gave me a deal!! 

Artwork from one of my favorite artists: Bianca Roman-Stumpff 

Artwork from a new favorite artist - see card in next photo 

I pushed hubby to buy this comic book, along with the coloring book.
Very interesting. The art is amazing. 

It's Milo! 

We had a great time and I will do a trip post soon-ish.

- Dangrdafne

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