Bookended by Cats was named after Milo and Otis. They are the short, orange, and furry brothers who, upon entering our lives in 2003, often bookended us on our couch. And who are we? We're a geek couple living in PA. We love music, movies, TV, comics, books, and comic cons. And, from time to time, we'll share our thoughts on these nerdy things.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday 80s Flashback Archives 4/29/2016 through 9/3/2010

[80s Archives | 2010 - 2016] -- I previously blogged about 80s music over at Prophet or Madman. From my first playlist on 9/3/2010 through to 4/29/2016, I tried to post a selection of songs every weekend. There are a few repeats, of course, but there are still many fine selections over that five and a half year period. Some are themed, others are hodge podge collections. And some of those early posts lack header images and sample lyrics, so they look pretty meh. But it's all 80s music, so that means it's all good.

So, if you're not finding enough 80s music here at Bookended by Cats, then by all means visit my previous 80s Flashback posts at Prophet or Madman.


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