Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Charlie's Angels 2019

 Dangrdafne review: 

Was it is perfect movie? No. 

Was it awesome, fun and empowering to women movie? Heck YES!!!

Seriously I felt so amazing after this movie. It was all women, all power, all incredible. I truly loved this story and the cast that told it. I am already a huge Kristen Stewart fan and she did not disappoint me in this movie. She was strong, vulnerable, bad ass, and looked incredible on top of all of it. 

I loved the humor that was throughout the movie to keep it from falling too dark. Sometimes it was a little too silly in the humor but overall I forgave it easily because of the larger story. 

Elizabeth Banks was a great director and an even greater Bosley. Patrick Stewart looked like he had too much fun in his role and it was nice to see him do something different. Naomi Scott was perfection as Elena and I would like to see a sequel just to see what she would do. Ella Balinska was also perfection as the steely, dangerous angel. Noah Centino has a small but pivotal role and he played it exactly how he needed to to add to the story.

Make sure you watch the last scenes carefully to see if you can catch all the famous angels. Also look around the agency to see anyone else you might recognize in the photos ;)

I had this film on our DVR and I watched it recently so I could clean off some things, hilariously I was unable to delete it, as I really want to watch it again. This movie really affected me and made me feel good to be a woman, when it has been harder to feel that way lately. Women, love, power, intelligence, humor, friendship and family: what more could I ask for,

I even tweeted to Elizabeth Banks to thank her for this movie, THAT is how much this movie affected me and how much I liked this movie. I am sure if you haven't seen it and you watch it based on my review you may be disappointed but for me I will give this movie

3 paws

And 4 paws for women power!!!

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