Monday, June 17, 2019

Veil of Roses by Laura Fitzgerald

Dangrdafne review:

What a wonderful love story. Deep, sweet, intense, mysterious, and not at all what you think.

A beautiful Persian/Iranian woman comes to the US in order to find a husband and be able to stay in the US. She is a conflicted woman. She wants all the independence the US offers but she also needs to be an obedient Persian woman in order to find the right man who will marry her in a short amount of time. She has a sister and brother in law who are doing everything in their power to help her but can she find a husband before her visa runs out?


Until the very end of the book you don’t know if she will find a husband...and if he will be a good man.

There is Ike, Haroun, and Masoud. Ike is an American, Haroun is an Iranian businessman and Masoud who has a special secret and is too good to be true. This is a true romance novel that isn’t a romance novel. It is a full on love story but

it is really all about Tami learning to love herself, find herself and live the life she was always meant to live.

It is a gloriously beautiful story that every woman, regardless of nationality, should read. It can teach us so much about ourselves and how much we need to learn to love ourselves and put ourselves first. Her friends at her English Language class are just perfect sounding boards for Tami and for us. I want to be friends with these people. Her teacher not only teaches the characters in the book but the reader too about freedom and independence.

So back to the other love story, who will Tami choose? I so want to tell you but I would rather you read the book. I have trouble writing book reviews because I want to talk about it all but at the same time I don’t want to tell anyone anything without them reading it first. This book unfolds so beautifully and your emotions go all over and it is a just a beautiful ride. I have to leave it to you to read it and enjoy the ride on your own.

4 paws!

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