Monday, September 10, 2018

Tully - movie review

Dangrdafne review

On the plane to Poland, LOT Polish Airlines offers lots of free movies, TV and music. I was excited for the movies even though I knew I should have been sleeping.

I chose Tully as I had heard it was a very good movie and it helps that I like Charlize Theron.

Easily put is you have to go all the way through the movie to truly appreciate the movie. I really can’t say too much as I would hate to spoil it for those who want to watch the movie.

I will say I did not like the movie until I saw the ending of the movie, then I really liked the movie. Charlize gives an amazing performance and I am sure there are many mothers out there who feel like she does. I know I was exhausted just watching her at times.

The best part of the movie is that it is just a story. A well told story. And one that you don’t know what it is until you get to the end.

I recommend the movie but if you had to choose between this one and Atomic Blonde, also with Charlize, I would tell you to get Atomic Blonde.

3 paws

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