Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday 80s Flashback for September 29, 2017

[TNG for the Masses] -- On 9/28/1987, the first new television episode of a Star Trek series was beamed into our television sets.Thirty years agoStar Trek: The Next Generation (ST:TNG or just TNG for short) introduced a new crew and a new ship with "Encounter at Farpoint." It was a clunky and awkward birth, but the basic elements were there: A stalwart captain, a dedicated first officer, and a top notch doctor. Other original series elements took on a slight twist: The alien on the bridge was a Klingon raised by humans, not a Vulcan-Human hybrid; the most logical officer was an android seeking humanity, not a Vulcan-Human hybrid; and the sensing bridge officer was an empathic half-Betazoid, not a telepathic ... well, you get the idea.

But, as big a Trek fan as I am, I usually deal with music here for the Friday 80s Flashback. And so I continue in that vein this week. You see, there was an album released on the very same day as the TNG premiere: Depeche Mode's sixth studio album, Music for the Masses. If you know me, you might be surprised to learn that I don't recall if I saw the first broadcast of "Encounter at Farpoint," but I very much recall purchasing a vinyl copy of Music for the Masses. It was the first Depeche Mode record that I purchased fresh on its release date.

So, now, you have a choice. You can celebrate Star Trek: The Next Generation and listen to music from the series. Or, you can check out a few tracks from Music for the Masses. To go with that latter choice, read and hear more after the jump. 

Flashback #1"Strangelove | That's how my love goes."

"Strangelove" was the first single off Music for the Masses. It had already been on the air since April, many months before the album came out. That gave it time to reach #50 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #1 on the US Dance charts. I must have played it 12 times in a row when I first brought that album home. 

Flashback #2"I'm taking a ride | With my best friend."

"Never Let Me Down Again" was the second single from Music for the Masses. It is, quite possibly, one of the greatest driving songs to come out of the 80s. It reached varying levels on a variety of charts: #63 on the US Billboard Hot 100, #12 on the US Billboard Hot Dance Club Play, #29 on the US Billboard Hot Dance Music/Maxi-Singles Sales, and #75 on US Cash Box. 

Flashback #3"Sacred | Holy | To put it in words | To write it down | That is walking on hollowed ground."

"Sacred" was not one of the four singles released off Music for the Masses, but I'm pretty certain it's a fan favorite. As I recall from my college years, "Sacred" made many rotations on mix tapes and local radio playlists. It's certainly one of my favorites. Is it sacred or profane? Or is it both? I would argue both. 

Once again, I remind you that the rule of three applies when doing Flashbacks. As I've made my three offerings, that's all till next week. Dedicated 80s-philes can find more flashbacks in the Prophet or Madman archives or via Bookended's 80s Flashback tag. As always, your comments are welcome on today's, or any other, flashback post. And if you like what I'm doing here, please share the link with your friends. If, however, you don't like the flashback, feel free to share it with your enemies.

And if you are on Twitter, and feel so inclined, please +K my influence in Music on @klout.

I'll see you in seven!

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