Saturday, July 25, 2015

Comic Block by Nerd Block

OK. So, we have a bunch of posts in the hopper (SDCC summaries, a few movie reviews, a Loot Crate unboxing, etc.), but we haven't actually published anything here since July 13 when we said goodbye to SDCC 2015.

That makes us very bad bloggers.

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However, we're still rather good consumers of geek culture. So much so that we're adding another subscription box to our list. @NerdBlock has six different themes to choose from: Classic, Arcade, Horror, Comic, Boys Jr, and Girls Jr. You can switch from one to another at any time during your subscription. As you can tell from the title of this post -- and the above image -- we are trying out the Comic Block ($13.99/mo). I was tempted to get it because of the exclusive Star Trek /Green Lantern #1 cover which ships TODAY:

To save a little money, we opted for the three month subscription. That should be enough to help us determine whether we want to keep it going. And that guarantees fodder for at least two more posts!

If you would like to try out Nerd Block, too, please go through our referral link:

If you want to see how it works, check out this video:

We'll post more after we receive the first box!

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